Paying UIF (Compliance)
Register Your Domestic Workers for UIF
Did you know that if you have a domestic worker, gardener, nanny or any other person working for you more than 24 hours per month, you need to be registered as an employer with the Department of Labour, and contribute towards the fund?
We can assist you with your registration if you do not already have a registration number, as well as register all of your employees. We can also assist with facilitating arrears payments to get them up to date. Furthermore, we offer a monthly service of filing the payments on your behalf, so that you don’t have to worry about the admin going forward.
We ask a once-off admin fee of R250, and then you can choose which services you would like to add on:
Registration of employer with UIF – R250 once off
Registration of employees with UIF – R150 per employee, once off
Facilitating arrears payments – R200 per employee, per year of arrears
If you have any queries or would like to sign up for our services, drop us a mail on or apply using the link above.
Some General FAQ's
Who must register?
If you have an employee who works more than 24 hours in a month, you must register and contribute to the fund.
Contracted foreigners, workers who receive a state pension, and workers who only earn commission, cannot register.
How much do I need to pay?
Employers must deduct 1% of their employee’s pay for UIF, capped at a ceiling salary of R14 872.00.
Employers must then pay the 1% that they had deducted, together with a further 1% from the company.
For any further queries on registering as an employer or paying UIF for your domestic workforce, you are welcome to email us for assistance. If you are ready for us to proceed with your claim, kindly use our online application form above.